Wire Rope Cut Lengths


Wire Rope Cut Lengths

Wire Rope Reels & Coils

I & I Sling is a distributor for most major wire rope producers – such as, Union. WireRope Works, Inc., Bridon, and Loos.  We provide the highest quality domestic wire rope but import wire rope can also be sourced.  Wire rope can be cut to size and placed on a reel or coiled at almost any length.  Ends can be seized, welded and tapered.  Buttons can also be swaged on to the ends of standard wire rope.


For use for crane rope, winches, hoists  We offer the following types of wire rope from our stock, but we can provide just about anything.  Contact your Product Advisor.

Standard Wire Rope

  • 6×19 and 6×37 classification

Rotation Resistant Wire Rope

  • 8×19
  • 19×7
  • SPF19 and SPF35

Specialized Wire Rope

  • Endurance Dyform 6, 18, 19, and 34L
  • Coated Wire Rope

Galvanized & Stainless Steel Wire Rope & Aircraft Cable

  • 7×7 and 7×19
  • 6×19, 6×37, 19×7

Wire Rope Reels

Button Dimensions

Stock No. Rope Dia. After Swage Dimension Weight
lbs. Each
Min Nominal Max Approx.
BB-8 1/4 0.49 1/2 0.51 1-1/32 0.04
BB-10 5/16 0.615 5/8 0.635 1-1/4 0.08
BB-12 3/8 0.74 3/4 0.77 1-1/2 0.15
BB-14 7/16 0.855 7/8 0.895 1-7/8 0.24
BB-16 1/2 0.98 1 1.03 2 0.34
BB-18 9/16 1.105 1-1/16 1.09 2-7/16 0.52
BB-20 5/8 1.23 1-1/4 1.29 2-3/4 0.79
BB-24 3/4 1.48 1-1/2 1.55 3-1/4 1.35
BB-28 7/8 1.73 1-3/4 1.8 3-7/8 2.18
BB-32 1 1.98 2 2.05 4-23/64 2.23

Wire Rope Warning