- Store on a rack in a clean, dry place.
- Oil prior to prolonged storage.
- Do not anneal (temper) alloy chain, connecting links or hooks. Hot galvanizing requires chain manufacturer’s advice.
- Check weight of load.
- Check sling rated load for type of lift and angle of loading (see load angle chart).
- Avoid twists, knots or kinks
- Be sure that the load cannot cut the sling during the lift by padding corners, edges, protrusions or abrasive surfaces; use materials of sufficient strength and thickness.
- Center load on base (bowl) of sling hook unless sling hook is designed for point loading.
- Balance load.
- Maintain load control.
- Avoid jerking the load.
- Be alert for snagging of load.
- Avoid dragging sling over rough surfaces and from under the load.
- Choker hitch must choke on sling body, never on a fitting.
- Stand clear of load at all times.
- If sling is to be used in a chemical environment, or in temperatures below -40o F, or above 400o F, contact manufacturer for specific recommendations.
- When shortening chain, use only the manufacturer’s recommended alloy components.

- Before use: Check for nicks, gouges or excessive wear. Look for bent, twisted, deformed chain or components. Look for heat damage, weld spatter, pitting or corrosion, increase in hook throat opening, missing latch (if so equipped), or missing rated load tag. These conditions are serious and the sling must be evaluated by a qualified person before further use. Periodic inspections must be recorded annually for normal service -- monthly/quarterly for severe service. Only chain manufacturer or other designated person performs periodic inspections.
- Any hazardous condition disclosed by an inspection shall require repair by chain manufacturer or other qualified person.
Because of the greatly reduced lifting capacity, use extra when the horizontal lift angle is less than 45° and do not make lifts of less than 30° load angle. Example: A sling rated at and lifting 1,000 pounds will be damaged – and could break suddenly – when the lifting angle is less than 30o at which angle the sling’s capacity is reduced to only 500 pounds. Important: Use a longer sling to increase the angle which will also increase the allowable capacity.
For choker hitches, the lifting capacity is reduced by 25% or more, depending on the capacity